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Samurai Saladby Michiel

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Samurai Salad, inspired by the mobile game Fruit Ninja, is a game where you slice various fruits (including pineapples) to gain points, but you have to avoid the bombs to stay alive.

  • Having a large combo will give you more points per fruit
  • Difficulty will increase over time: more bombs will spawn on average and things will spawn quicker
  • Your highscore will be saved locally, see how high of a score you can get! (currently my highscore is 1293)

This game also has sound effects! To hear these sound effects in CraftOS-PC, you need to install the Minecraft sounds first, as seen here.

pastebin run Sxfk57tP
Git Repository
judge Xella
Fun 9
Creativity 7.5
Graphics 8.5
Performance 8
Final 8.25
Very engaging! The apples are definitely hard to hit but the balance in difficulty is nice. All effects feel very polished and I'm really happy it runs so well in in-game as well!
judge Emma
Fun 9
Creativity 6
Graphics 8
Performance 9
Final 8.00
Ran great on CraftOS-PC Accelerated and fine on SC3, game looks cool and the animations are very satisfying, its not as creative but its quite complicated to implement. I would play this on my phone when I'm waiting for the bus lol
judge Shadyduck
Fun 8
Creativity 7.5
Graphics 9
Performance 7
Final 7.88
Classic game that's very playable. Found it a bit repetitive after a while though. Would be good to see a more competitive side to it. You've added some cool visualisations and style which I really like! I like the models, the colours, the style, the animations. The gradient for the text is a great touch.
judge 9551Dev
Fun 9
Creativity 7
Graphics 9
Performance 8
Final 8.25
overall great, provides actual engaging gameplay which could mostly be considered better than most mobile games nowdays. I really like all the use of particles and effects you got which definitely makes the game feel more live. the background you used is also nice as it isnt just empty stripes and actually provides some variation, nice attention to detail. I also find the slice effects and explosion effects really satisfying. However some things that i would point out is that the actual slicing can sometimes feel unnatural because you expect the slice to trigger but it does not. I feel like this could easily be fixed, But it might as well just be me. Good job.
project screenshotproject screenshot