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Snowball Fightby Baastiplays

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Online first person based snowball shooter between players as snowmen

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judge Xella
Fun 4
Creativity 7.5
Graphics 7.5
Performance 6
Final 6.25
This game is definitely promising and will definitely be fun to play when it is finished! I am excited for when that happens! I like the atmosphere with the clouds and the sun a lot, but sadly the floor uses a lot of triangles, which has a noticable impact on performance, especially in-game
judge Emma
Fun 5
Creativity 8
Graphics 7
Performance 9
Final 7.25
Ran great with CraftOS-PC Accelerated, I couldn't figure out how to shoot snowballs, and when I exited the map it was very anticlimactic lmao, its pretty creative and the map design gives me a paintball vibe.
judge Shadyduck
Fun 1
Creativity 8.5
Graphics 7
Performance 1
Final 4.38
I really like the idea and it seems like it'd be fun to play. It's a unique concept I've not really seen before. Using just white/grey makes it a little awkward to see. Would've liked if you had incorporated some extra colour in there, e.g. pine trees or christmas decorations to spice it up.
judge 9551Dev
Fun 3
Creativity 3
Graphics 2
Performance 1
Final 2.25
Really sad that this one did not get finished but im still looking up to it as i do think it has a potential to be quite fun of played with friends, especially if you were to add several modes into it. The multiplayer factor adds so much.
project screenshot